Auctions & Lockdown: The Changing Terrain of Collecting Rare Books and Prints in 2021

Join us at 7:30 PM EDT on the evening of Monday, September 27th for an expert presentation and lively discussion about the changing rare book and print market in the ongoing lockdown auction landscape. This event presented by collections advisor Spencer W. Stuart is free of charge and open to all.

Scene in an auction room, with a sale of paintings in progress; a plate from Ackermann's 'Microcosm of London'. 1808 Hand-coloured etching and aquatint. © The Trustees of the British Museum

Scene in an auction room, with a sale of paintings in progress; a plate from Ackermann's 'Microcosm of London'. 1808 Hand-coloured etching and aquatint. © The Trustees of the British Museum

The auction house, at times, is a Black Box for those who do not regularly engage with them. Often we only hear of auction house “Blue Chip” sales reported in the media. For many collectors over the past year and a half, these myths were dispelled, with auctions becoming a tool of a diverse character for collectors developing as well as deaccessioning their collections.

In an upcoming virtual talk, Spencer W Stuart will provide a lay of the ‘Lockdown Auction Landscape’ and discuss the structural impact it is having on the rare book and print markets. In light of these changes, he will explore what one should consider in participating in the auction event as a consignor and buyer.

Taking a multi-perspective approach, Spencer will examine the specific interests of those involved, following the auction process step-by-step and illustrating the dynamics of each decision.  Through his presentation and the ensuing conversation, we will discuss the ‘Who, What, When, Where, How and Why’, helping attendees developing a practical and holistic view of the auction world. 

The presentation will occur Monday, September 27th with a start time of 7:30 PM Eastern Time / 6:30 PM Central Time / 5:30 PM Mountain Time / 4:30 PM Pacific Time. (Wondering what time this is for you? Check your time zone here). To ensure a vibrant and candid discussion, this event will not be recorded.

Registration for this event is available through Zoom and attendees can register below following the link in the “Register to Attend” button:

Spencer W. Stuart. Image courtesy of Spencer W. Stuart.

Spencer W. Stuart. Image courtesy of Spencer W. Stuart.

About Spencer W Stuart: 

Spencer W. Stuart provides advisory services to private collectors as well as institutions aiding in the design and execution of collection development, management and deaccession strategies.

In concert with his advising, Spencer is an active writer and lecturer on histories of the printed word for a variety of publications including The Book Collector and Amphora as well as with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.


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